Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We're BACK!

And can I just say that I love our friends. It's nice to have people that you can travel with and not have to worry about entertaining all the time. It's nice to have other people to talk to too. Don't get me wrong, I love my hubby, but we talk everyday. Other people just make things more exciting.

San Antonio was fun. I'd recommend it, for a few days. I think we would have gotten bored if we were there much longer, but it was definitely worth the trip.

Can I also note, no one loves flying. If you say you do, you lie. I don't hate it, but as my husband says, if you could teleport you would. Airports suck. The seats are small. You can't get comfortable. It's not awesome.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm ready for a vacation

Which is very convenient since we leave in 2 days. The sitter was sick today, so I had to stay home with the littlest one. I was reminded (once again) how I couldn't possibly be a stay at home mom. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death, but I was looking forward to her taking a nap. I like to talk to grown-ups. Also, I talked to work 4 times today. It was more stressful being home and thinking about everything I needed to be doing, and explaining to them how to do it. I sometimes envy those whose jobs don't revolve around them. The ones who have other people that do the same job that can take care of everything, and can just be gone for a day with no worries. I feel like I've had enough quality time with the baby that I won't feel so guilty being gone for a few days.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

You've sucked me in

I've officially started blogging, though I'm sure I won't do it as often as most of you. I don't think I'm nearly fascinating enough for you all to want to read my thoughts each day. We'll see what this turns into.