Sunday, July 5, 2009

I've lost my child

So, we stopped in SP on the way home to drop some stuff off my sister and fam left at our house a couple weekends ago and we lost a child to them. He REALLY wanted to go to Rafi's water park, and we didn't have time to stay all day, so they kept him. It must be nice not to have to work in the summer, you can just take kids in for a few days. I use to do it all the time when I was a kid. I'd spend about a week each summer with my aunt and uncle and their kids. Trev's a little harder with the food thing, but maybe they'll break him. I'm okay with that. It's weird loosing a kid, you'd think you would have some freedom, but we still have the little moose so the house is just a little bit quieter. It's good for him.

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