So today is the 40th Anniversary of the moon landing. One of the girls at work said her husband is skeptical about it. I'm hoping she was kidding, but you never know. I told her I was skeptical about the whole Jesus being god's son thing, but it didn't go over well.
On a side note. I love Mythbusters. They are debunking all the anti-moon landing myths. It's such a good show. I hear it's up for an Emmy. Well deserved. I like to watch shows with Trev that teach you something. Talk about the whole taking something you love and getting someone to pay you for it, taken to the next level. Now if I could just figure out what it is I love so I can get someone to pay me for it, suggestions (and I've thought about getting paid to read teen literature, it won't work).
40 is not the new anything.
10 years ago