I love musicals. Put a play to music and I'm in. We've seen Wicked 2 times now, and both were very good BUT I have to say that the front row is definitely the way to go if you are able to spend the money. I've seen 2 shows from row now, and I'm a little spoiled. There is something to be said for being able to see the people actually act with the expressions on their face. Don't get me wrong, it was good either way. You miss a little of the artistic vision in the front. You have to focus on one part of the stage rather than the whole show, but it's worth it. I guess my friends weren't nuts for getting those tickets after all. :) It was worth the money.
A Note To All The Teachers Out There: When you bring your kids on a field trip, CONTROL THEM. The people in the front row paid GOOD money for their seats and they don't want kids standing in their way staring at the orchestra for the entire intermission. Other than that, a good night.
40 is not the new anything.
10 years ago
Bastard Teachers!