We've been Powerball crazy at work. Against my constant reminder that it's a bad idea, my work facilitates the group buying of lottery tickets. About 1/3 of the employees go in together and buy a ton of tickets. What would they do if we won? I'm assuming most would not come back. I guess that's not my problem since I'd be with the winners.
I got to thinking about it. Sure 113 Million would be great, or even 1/30 of that if we won with work. Honestly, If someone gave me $75000 if would change our lives. We'd be completely debt free (other than the house). No student loan, cars, plus there would be some left for something fun (or a few things). $200,000 would be better, but not necessary. What would we do with all that extra cash. We make enough, don't get me wrong, but no bills would leave thousands of dollars a month to play with. That would be freaking awesome. Any takers???
40 is not the new anything.
10 years ago